Our toddler (now 2.5 years old) is curious. He also likes to push the limits constantly checking to see where his boundaries lie. In other words, he keeps us on our toes, and in our adventures and travels we must constantly be aware of potential dangers or accidents lurking around the corner.
Enjoying the outdoors with him obviously has so many benefits, but like everything in life there are always things to watch out for. Thinking of our most recent camping trip to the Oregon coast, along with getting enough sleep, planning out meals, and staying dry and warm from the elements, keeping Bergen safe and unharmed from our campfires was at the top of the list.
Like many toddlers, he’s a mini-scientist. He wants to know how things work, but we’re not about to let him test out how a fire might feel and risk potential burns and a visit to the emergency room (especially while on the road). Instead, we’ve done our best to prevent any mishaps.