Last year at less than a month old, Bergen missed the Puyallup Fair, our Western Washington State fair held every September. Even for us, that would have been a little too adventurous. So as the fair rolled around again this year, we were more than ready to check it out with the little guy.
In order to avoid the weekend crowds, Slaed went to work even earlier than usual so he could leave earlier and we could get a head start on the trip down. We timed Bergen’s nap to coincide with the drive, and took a longer route to buy him some more time.
While the fair is a whole different experience with a baby in tow, we still managed to introduce Bergen to almost all of our favorite fair amusements. He was quite content with just about everything, but there were some that really stood out.
Baby’s Top 5 at the Fair
5. Ride Watching. The lights, the music, the movement. Bergen isn’t a fan of just standing around so I was surprised at how content he was as we waited for Slaed to ride the roller coaster. Then I realized that he was totally mesmerized by the overload of sensory stimulation.
4. Looking through cut-outs. Who knew this could be so much fun for a baby? Bergen just loved looking through and waving to the people he saw “on the other side”. And to think we actually hesitated to get him out of the ergo for this!
3. Checking out the animals. This one’s a no-brainer. Ducks and goats seemed to be favorites, but we saw it all: pigs & piglets, chickens, horses, cows, rabbits, dogs, and even pigeons.
2. People Watching. Bergen has a reputation of being a “noisy-rosy” & a “rubber-necker”, and these traits were out in full force at the fair. Endless interesting people to look at everywhere we went!
1. Taking in all in on the Sky Ride. Manufactured in Switzerland, and originally installed at the 1962 Seattle World’s Fair, this piece of history took us up a whopping 55 feet in the air for a bird’s eye view of all the action! Believe it or not, this was the only ride Bergen was allowed on, so we rode it twice: once at the beginning of the afternoon, once at the end. We thought for sure he’d be able to get on the carousel. No luck, but that was just fine with him.
Info to Know:
- The Puyallup Fair (September 7-23 ’12) is located in Puyallup, Washington, about 40 minutes South of Seattle.
- We drove so that Bergen could nap in the car, but our friends offered a great tip of taking the Sounder Train to avoid traffic & parking hassles. More info on alternative transportation here.
- We used the ergo to transport Bergen around, but many were navigating the fair with strollers easily.
- It’s a good idea to check exhibit schedules before you go (or talk about what you’ll see with the kids) to avoid disappointment as certain barns can be closed.
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Great pics! We are doin the Puyallup next week, fun times!
Thanks, Joy! Enjoy it! Your site will come in handy as I need to work off A LOT of calories from WAY too much fair food
I haven’t been to a fair in years – and it looks like so much fun! Those cut-out pics are too cute!!
He was at the end of his role when we got to the bee cut out, so i couldn’t believe how much he liked it! You’ve gotta go, Lisa! I know Emma would love it.
Awe- I love it – he is adorable. I took my youngest to the Austin Rodeo when he was almost 2 and he LOVED it!!
Thanks for linking up with us today!
Rodeo—now you’re talkin’! We’ve got to line that up for next summer.
We love fairs (especially all the classic fried fair food). We avoided taking our kids to the fair until they were toddlers (3+) due to the crowds. We didn’t really think about all the other sensory stimulation. What a wonderful way to spend a day as a family even if you only go on one ride. Love the adorable bee cutout pictures!
Thanks, Mary! We enjoyed WAY too much fried fair food. I’m going to take it easy on all that next time for sure. I just get so excited! We’re looking forward to taking Bergen as a toddler