One of my favorite ways to pass the time when I’m doing busy work around the house, or even walking (without the kids!) is to listen to podcasts. I actually look forward to my household chores! Laundry, dishes, and dinner prep are a whole lot more enjoyable when I have an inspiring interview, lesson, or story in my ears. Podcasts are not only entertaining, but they are like a mini-education.
Want to learn how to declutter you house? There’s a podcast (or 2) for that. Want to become more organized? There’s a podcast (or 5) for that. Want to learn how to run your own business? There’s a podcast (or 10) for that!
My podcast listening tends to lean toward the parenting, travel, and outdoor realm. Just this morning after dropping Georgia off at preschool, I popped my earbuds in. I was able finish one podcast episode on budget travel tips, feeling some camaraderie with the host that planning ahead is one of the best ways to save money on travel. Thinking about our upcoming spring break travel, I then shifted gears, and started listening to a Disneyland Planning Tips episode. When I returned home from the walk, I continued listening as I finished up breakfast dishes, and began to prepare salmon cakes for dinner.
I could certainly say that podcast listening is great for my health and home as I’m inspired to walk (or run) more, and get a lot more done around the house! In case you are looking for some easily accessible travel and adventure inspiration, I thought I would share three of my favorite podcast shows. I’d also like this to be a conversation, so please share your favorite podcast shows (or episodes) in the comments!
3 Podcasts for Travel-Loving and Adventurous Parents
Vacation Mavens
Vacation Mavens is family travel podcast hosted by Kimberly Tate and Tamara Gruber. They each have their own family travel blogs, Stuffed Suitcase and We3Travel respectively, and have traveled extensively in the United States, and throughout the world. Each episode is themed, and includes specific destinations, or will center around a specific travel topic such as spring break travel, traveling with babies, or cruises. Fun fact: I was on the Vacation Mavens podcast a couple of years ago discussing visiting Seattle with kids! And in case you were wondering, the Disneyland Planning episode that I refer to above is from Vacation Mavens.
Go Adventure Mom
Go Adventure Mom podcast is hosted by Kathy Dalton of the Go Adventure Mom Blog. Her blog and podcast are inspiring families who refuse to be “indoorsy”, and want to fight nature deficit disorder. Can you see why I love listening to Kathy, and her guests? I particularly love when Kathy interviews the business owners behind outdoor brands that I know and love. Two that stand out are her interview with Marcus and Mathias Ihlenfeld of Woom Bikes, and her interview with Meghan Fitzgerald of Tinkergarten. Kathy asks great questions, and simply has a voice that is nice to listen to!
Live Free Creative
Less stuff, more adventure is a theme that runs through podcast host, Miranda Anderson’s show, Live Free Creative and blog, Live Free Creative Co. What makes the show standout to me is the focus on clearing the clutter of life so that we can make room for the good stuff. She often refers to her “magical adventure moments”, those times during our travels where the stars align, and you just want to pinch yourself! If we can get rid of the excess in our lives, and live with intention, the magic can happen a lot more often. Two episodes that I recommend: Budget Travel Tips & Advantages of Optimism.
Quick Notes on Podcasts:
- I listen to podcasts through my iPhone podcast app. There are plenty of other podcast listening apps (stitcher, spotify, etc.) though, and most shows are available on multiple platforms.
- Have a podcast you are looking for? Simply type the name or name of the host into the search bar, and I should pop right up!
- Most podcast apps allow you to speed up the playback if you are looking to get through shows at a faster rate. At the same time, if you think a host is talking too fast, you can also slow it down!
Your turn! Share your favorite podcasts with us in the comments. Bonus points if you share a favorite episode too.
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These are so great! I will have to try them out.
Awesome! Let me know what you think! And thank you for your suggestions of She Explores and Women on the Road on facebook—I will definitely be checking both out–judging by the names, they sound right up my alley!