Just across the river from the lodge we rented with friends for our Montana trip, is a farm with hundreds of cows happily munching on grass and hay. They even venture down to the water for a drink or to sit and rest on the banks. Everyone in our group found it quite peaceful to simply sit and watch. There’s a lot more going on over there than you might think.
The experience doesn’t end with just seeing the cows though. During all hours of the day and night even if we weren’t looking across the river, we knew the cows the cows were over there. Their constant “mooing” let us know.
While there wasn’t a bad spot on the property to take in the view, the best spot to experience the river, cows, and the big skies of Montana in all it’s glory was on the swing.
Here Bergen (22 months) was spending quality time with his Dad. He was also experiencing something he wouldn’t get if we just stayed home all the time.

TIP from Dad: To get your little one to stay on the swing with you, give him a handful of rocks to throw. When the rocks run out, grab another handful.
No, he probably won’t remember this trip or be able to talk about it in the years to come, but that doesn’t make it any less important or significant. It may seem small, but it was here in Paradise Valley, Montana (not from a T.V. show, annoying toddler toy, or even a song) where Bergen learned how to “moo” like a cow. And his “moo” is not just your ordinary Old MacDonald Had a Farm “moo”, it’s a full-on from the throat authentic “moo” because he learned it straight from the source.
Now as he grows-up, besides the hundreds of photographs from our adventure, he’ll have something tangible to connect to his travels as a little boy, and something he can brag about on the playground.
What little lessons have your kids picked up on your travel journeys?
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This post is part of Travel Photo Thursday at Budget Travelers Sandbox
I like Dad’s tip. How wonderful that Bergen has learned his moo straight from the cow’s mouth. 🙂
Thank you! Yes, I liked the tip too 🙂 As I was taking the photos, I was wondering why/how my squirmy, wiggly little guy was so content up there…then I learned Slaed’s trick!
Hahaha, it’s a big deal to learn something straight from the source!
PS: I could sit and look at that view all day long.
🙂 You and me both…I really wish we were headed back there soon. I always treasure our Montana trips.
That is a great story. Love it.
Thank you!
Love that you know he won’t remember it, but still value it’s merits.
I host a weekly link party called “Oh, the PLACES I’ve been!” The link goes up at 7pm EST on Thursday. I hope to see you then!
– The Tablescaper
We love our memories of traveling with our babies. But you know what? It gets even better 🙂
We have so much to look forward to, Amy! Thanks so much for your comment!