Earlier this month, we ventured back to Hayden Lake, Idaho. Our time at the lake gives us a chance to reconnect with friends, disconnect from our computers and other screens, and just enjoy the beauty that North Idaho throws at us. We’re lucky to get to stay at the house where our good friend grew up, a place my husband Slaed has been coming to for 20 years, so it really feels like home when we visit.
Clearly we enjoyed gorgeous blue water views lined with the greens of pine trees and backed by the hills and mountains of the area, but having fun in the lake with a toddler can be tricky. With just a foot or so of shore, there wasn’t a whole lot of room for Bergen (nearly 2 years old) to romp and play. While we definitely took advantage of this space, the water was murkier here and not as fun to swim in with water plants and other sediment floating around.
Moving on to deeper water, of course it only got harder. Taking the plunge and going for a dip is refreshing and invigorating. Even on a hot summer day though, and even after a sweaty 6-mile run, it’s cold! After just a a few minutes, Bergen’s little limbs started shivering, and his lips were at the beginning stages of turning blue. It’s also a lot of work to keep you and a toddler afloat. Bergen had his life jacket, but that only provided us parents with just a little bit of relief. He still needed a lot of help staying upright. A boogie board gave him little bit of a platform, but Bergen only tolerated that for so long before he wanted to get moving.
When it was time for some more relaxing and laid back fun, we turned to our trusty little blow-up pool. We still had to wait a bit for the sun to warm up the cold water coming fresh from the hose, and it took us a little while to find the perfect spot on the lawn that was level, but once everything was situated Bergen sure was happy splashing in and out of the water.
And I was more than happy to join him. Here I could still take in the view (it may have been even better than down below at the dock), keep an eye on the little guy, and relax in the shade. Bergen’s version of an infinity pool, and so practical for the traveling family too.
What are your favorite lake-fun activities? How do you keep your little ones safe while still enjoying the water?
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Puddle jumpers have been wonderful for our son. He’s 5, and they’ve really boosted his confidence in the water.
Thanks so much for your comment! I haven’t heard of puddle jumpers (in reference to swimming at least). What are they? Sometimes I wish Bergen were a little more reserved in the water…he seems to think he is invincible!
They’re like water wings with a third part across the chest. They’re pretty popular here.
Ahhh, I see. I’ll have to keep an eye out for them. We have so few pools here in Seattle to check out such things 🙂
Kate–I just discovered your blog, and it’s wonderful! I just took my two oldest grandchildren (ages 14 and 8) for a two-night, three-day trip to Whidbey Island and Olympic National Park. We had so much fun, and you have given me great ideas for future trips with them. I might even consider taking the two-year-old sometime (if my son and daughter-in-law say yes)!
Hi Susanne! I’m so glad you stumbled upon the blog! We were literally just talking about you two (the day you wrote this) as we were over in your area hiking & doing a little shopping. What great adventures you are having with the grandkids & yes, now you know it’s definitely doable with a toddler! 🙂 Hope we get to see you guys soon.
The blow up pool is a great idea! I never would have thought of that, but it really is an awesome idea! Since they fold up flat transportation would be easy and it definitely let’s you relax a little from the stresses of watching a toddler in the open water of a lake.